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Access to King Amlet Lounge

Prices and business partners


It is possible to purchase access to King Amlet Lounge for passengers on scheduled flights.

Lounge visit 1 hour or less before departure - 175 DKK

Lounge visit 2 hours before departure - 200 DKK

Lounge visit 3 hours before departure - 250 DKK

Lounge visit 4 hours before departure - 300 DKK

Lounge visit 5 hours before departure - 400 DKK

Subsequently +50 DKK per hour, max 500 DKK

Lounge visits are sold taking into account operations and capacity for that day and they are not usually offered to groups of travellers.If you wish a lounge visit for a group of travellers, please send your request well before the departure date to lounge@bll.dk. Taking into account operations and capacity for that day, it is then assessed whether the request can be accommodated.

King Amlet Lounge’s business partners are: